Which Strike ? Rail & Subway Strike ? Electric company ? French Postal ? Hospitals Public Service ? National Education ? Civil Servants ? Universities ? Fishmen ? Policemen ? Lawyer and Local Magistrates ?
So many strikes in this fall all over the country because of the will of ONE man ! The power of the Mister 172% !
He cuts the budgets of all these services and he raise up his own wages of 172% and the gov' give some thousand euros gifts to the richest fortune because Sarkosy is a friend of them. Theses famous and rich friends rent him for free some luxuary yacht for his last summer break !
The middle class get poorer and the upper class are richer than ever with our lovely 172% Mr President !
@Eric : My dear Eric, you forget the best privilege ever : the retirement status of our elected politician is still remain and will not change. So our elected must show us the right way by reforming their own retirement status and all the sacrifice for the reform will be accepted by the people...
Their jobs are not granted as the rumors said... for exemple, the SNCF is a real commercial company with real commercial objectives. So you can be fired.... Maybe before it was true, but actually, no lifetime job anywhere. And when you are engage, the first 2 years, the SNCF can fired you without ANY reasons ! SNCF created the CPE before the UMP gets the idea! Incredible !! It's we call "Période d'Essai" (test period).
Also, i never saw an unemployed politician, even they can have 3 or 4 jobs in the same time ! Incredible ! They are Super Heroes : 4 brains in 1 ! So please, don't forget the corruption in the political life exists too.... (sorry i don't take care of them)
By the Way, Chirac never had any problems with the City of Paris when he was mayor and some money dissappear....
And of course, i dont' forget, when some people eat apple pie in the palace.... the others try to buy some bananas in their basket if they have enough money for the month !
We are not living in the same world !