sorry I dont speak or write French...But I would like to know what this strike is about?
2007-11-18 14:41:44 UTC
sorry I dont speak or write French...But I would like to know what this strike is about?
Dix réponses:
french touch
2007-11-18 14:56:22 UTC
Which Strike ? Rail & Subway Strike ? Electric company ? French Postal ? Hospitals Public Service ? National Education ? Civil Servants ? Universities ? Fishmen ? Policemen ? Lawyer and Local Magistrates ?

So many strikes in this fall all over the country because of the will of ONE man ! The power of the Mister 172% !

He cuts the budgets of all these services and he raise up his own wages of 172% and the gov' give some thousand euros gifts to the richest fortune because Sarkosy is a friend of them. Theses famous and rich friends rent him for free some luxuary yacht for his last summer break !

The middle class get poorer and the upper class are richer than ever with our lovely 172% Mr President !

@Eric : My dear Eric, you forget the best privilege ever : the retirement status of our elected politician is still remain and will not change. So our elected must show us the right way by reforming their own retirement status and all the sacrifice for the reform will be accepted by the people...

Their jobs are not granted as the rumors said... for exemple, the SNCF is a real commercial company with real commercial objectives. So you can be fired.... Maybe before it was true, but actually, no lifetime job anywhere. And when you are engage, the first 2 years, the SNCF can fired you without ANY reasons ! SNCF created the CPE before the UMP gets the idea! Incredible !! It's we call "Période d'Essai" (test period).

Also, i never saw an unemployed politician, even they can have 3 or 4 jobs in the same time ! Incredible ! They are Super Heroes : 4 brains in 1 ! So please, don't forget the corruption in the political life exists too.... (sorry i don't take care of them)

By the Way, Chirac never had any problems with the City of Paris when he was mayor and some money dissappear....

And of course, i dont' forget, when some people eat apple pie in the palace.... the others try to buy some bananas in their basket if they have enough money for the month !

We are not living in the same world !
2007-11-18 23:01:22 UTC
it's againts the gouvernement who wants to introduce a new legislation to remove the right to retire at 50years for the special arrangements that had this avantage (sncf,edf,..) and thus put them at the same levels at the general plan is to say 65years as the rest of the population.

i hope that i could help you a little, and exuse me for my english is not very well
Charles de Guerre
2007-11-18 23:03:05 UTC
Train drivers protest against a modification of their retirements rights.

Some's agree and som'es not.

We're honestly very divise about this question here.
eternal (20x2)
2007-11-18 22:51:28 UTC
Certain "civil servants"(?) (train drivers, here) stop working earlier than the others. Sarkozy is going to suppress that.

No comment.
2007-11-18 23:27:52 UTC
The Bushes doggy, Sarkozy, try to transform France to Usa, only targetting the dark side : slowing down retirement pensions, the social and health assistance drastically.

So, some French peoples protest., specially the ones who will loose money and will have to work more long time.

About education system, Sarkozy also target the dark side of US system, pushing to a privatisation of university system uncompatible with France tradition.

Well, appart that, i think that you are not truely English mother language, coz "Respond" is a giant gallicism, instead of "Answer".

C'est toi Christine Lagarde???
2007-11-18 23:09:29 UTC
France doesn't change and all people who may create or work hard to make money must go in another country to make their lives.

France would be more and more dangerous, why?:

More discrimination

More people who profit to the system

More graduate and creative go away to this country

More people who like the communism system

The high level of the society is close and incompetent. This high level must to change.

To conclude, a lot of thing need to change in France.

Anyway, what will happen, France will change.
2007-11-18 23:02:41 UTC
do english speaking people really use "collage" and 'respond" ?? I really like your gallicisms
2007-11-18 23:23:58 UTC
this strike (rather these strihes) are about:

1°railwayman (SNCF), electrician (EDF) and in some others jobs retirement and their fringe benefits. But elected representative benefit by these fringe benefits (and more: they draw concurrently and they have a golden retirement), and it is not challenged... Isn't it strange?

I'm not a railwayman but I support their action because I think the government aims to go deeply into a gap between rich and poor. And I don't accept that.

2°students and teachers are on strike beacuse of the fact that universities are going to be a private sector and so they are going to be expensive and some people will not be able to go at university and this is unfair. University privatization (like in the USA) is the way to a formation of an elite, while people who have not enough money will not be able to reach culture and knowledge, and it will be a competition between different university depending on wether they have or not money. Money mustn't be a part of knowledge and culture's access.And if the government wants this reform, it's beacause they want our universities to compete with yours, whereas we have excellent and great "grandes ecoles" (these are highly selective establishments which exist in parallel to the universities. Admission usually possible after two years of intensive preparatory studies and a competitive examination. having been to a "grande ecole" is comparable in prstige to having an Oxbridge degree in Britain or a degree from harvard or yale in the US.)

I'm student, and it isn't about me I'm worried, it's about poor and about my children...

3°these stikes are also concerning lawyer and local magistrates, french post, fishmen, hospital service, policemen.

But I think strikes are in reaction to the new governement and his president, Nicolas SArkozy, who grants privileges to the rich and who is granting all power to himself, which is antidemocratic and which is the dawn of a dictature....

Besides stikes are proofs of, as the saying goes: divide to better reign...

@miniscule nicolas: respond peut-être utilisé en anglais aussi à la place de answer
2007-11-18 22:49:29 UTC
about retirement at 55 years old for people who work for the french trains company whose name is SNCF and people who work for the parisian tube whose name is RATP and people who work for the french electricity company (EDF)

they used to retire at 55 and earn alot of money bur Mr Sarkozy wants to suppress this right for them cause he thinks it's unfair

many people in France think its unfair too, cause some jobs have more difficult conditions (for exemple people who work in restaurants or firemen) and those don't have those advantages, so something is unfair isn't it?

I don't approve these strikes

and what do american people think of it? I'm curious
Eric VII (1)
2007-11-18 22:59:46 UTC
A handfull of bullshitters have decided that the advantages they were given thanks to the weakness of different governments over the years had to be maintained. Our current government said that this advantages, which are far more important than the one of regular workers, had to be suppressed. France needs to reorganize its administration and needs to do that fast. It is a little bit like what happened in Canada in the early 90's, but of course, French are well known for the national sport they are practicing as often as they can:the strike...So it is not going as smoothly than in canada, and it takes more time, but that should be solved very fast as the public opinion is against the one that are doing the strike.

@French are just making a few mistakes in your demonstration..

The biggest one is of course that the People on strike have a GARRANTEED job for the rest of their lives. Not the politicians. You are just comparing apples and bananas.. but it is probably normal to do so in your psychedelic world..

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